Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 5400.20A
260 Interaction with other Staffs/Commands/Program Managers
1. Work-Life staffs will work directly for the ISC Commanding Officer or Executive
Officers on sensitive Work-Life issues, but will interact and coordinate with all
command elements concerning Work-Life issues as appropriate.
2. Integrated Support Commands will appoint an Ombudsman Coordinator who will
work with and receive support from the Work-Life staffs. Both the Ombudsman
Coordinator and the Work-Life staffs will frequently communicate with the unit
Ombudsman in the assigned AOR to assess needs and to ensure a good flow of
3. Headquarters Family Advocacy and Special Needs Program managers will continue
to provide direct technical supervision and policy direction to all FAS's and
FRS's.All other Headquarters Work-Life Program Managers will continue to provide
policy guidance to their specialists. Work-Life staff members will continually assess
employees' local needs and propose changes in service delivery to the appropriate
Coast Guard Headquarters Program Manager. Regional issues, not specifically
addressed by Coast Guard Headquarters Program Managers, are the responsibility of
the regional Work-Life staffs. Such issues may best be addressed using the
experience and knowledge of the local Work-life staff, after consultation with the
appropriate Coast Guard Headquarters Program Manager.
Chapter III - Office Administration
300 Budget
Requests for program funding adjustments shall be submitted to Commandant (G-
WKW). Requests for training funds should be submitted in accordance with direction
contained in Management of the Coast Guard's Training System instruction
(COMDTINST 1550.9 (series)).
310 Training
Each Work-Life staff member is responsible for advising the Work-Life Supervisor
on all necessary training to remain current in their specialty areas. Training needs
shall be identified in accordance with direction contained in Management of the Coast
Guard's Training System instruction (COMDTINST 1550.9 (series)). In addition,
Work-Life staff members should liaison with local corporate and government Work-
Life organizations in their assigned AOR and attend seminars and conferences on
Work-Life issues as opportunities arise.