h. Commanding Officers of TISCOM and C2CEN shall review their electronic system repair,
accomplishment. The goal is to fully employ the YARD when the capabilities, cost and
schedule constraints are competitive with other sources and provide the best value to the Coast
i. The YARD Commanding Officer and staff shall continue to maintain the YARD's core
Industrial capability to ensure an efficient and cost effective organization with the goal of
contracting and expanding the workforce commensurate with the workload. This shall be
accomplished by proactively managing the YARD workforce using all available civilian
workforce management tools to ensure staffing flexibility. This includes the increased use of
term versus full time permanent positions. Furthermore, particular attention should be paid to
the goal of reducing fixed overhead costs. He/she shall strive for continuous improvement
toward comparable affordability with private sector shipyards and diligently work with
customers to ensure maximum adherence to cost, schedule and performance requirements. In
addition, the YARD Commanding Officer shall maintain a 5-year workload-planning horizon in
coordination with headquarter staff components, other Coast Guard commands and other
government organizations and actively promote the YARD's industrial capabilities.
(1) Listing of YARD Considerations and Capabilities for Work Assignments