a. Pursue all prospective work identified by Headquarters staffs and OGAs and coordinate
marketing and planning efforts with the YARD.
b. Identify and facilitate marketing opportunities for potential customers and/or tours of
the YARD.
c. Review the YARD's budget quarterly.
d. YARD shall provide, via G-SEN, detailed documentation of project expenditures
monthly compared directly to the original project estimate with justification for any
cost or schedule overruns.
e. Review all reports of quality deficiency and act as independent arbiter over equitable.
Arrange for a quarterly brief of the YARD's 5-Year Projected Workload Plan with
appropriate Offices within Headquarters.
d. The Director, International Affairs (G-CI) shall consider the YARD as the sole source for Coast
Guard Naval Engineering industrial activity in support of Coast Guard International actions.
This does not preclude G-CI from utilizing other non-Coast Guard contracting sources on behalf
of foreign clients as required, following the transfer of Excess Defense Articles. G-CI and staff
shall notify the YARD, via G-SEN of support needs in connection with the transfer and follow-
on support of excess cutters and boast as Excess Defense Articles (EDA) under the Foreign
Military Sales (FMS) program. Additionally, G-CI shall assist in obtaining other projects with
the YARD's maintenance, repair, or support capabilities, which will enhance the Coast Guard's
role I supporting friendly nations and U.S. foreign affairs (e.g., Royal Saudi Navy MK 75gun
overhaul program).
e. The Chief, Office of Financial Management (G-CFM) shall consider the YARD as a source for
storing, on a space available basis, excess cutters and boats preparatory to disposal disposition.
G-CFM shall notify the YARD, via G-SEN, of all new requirements.
f. Commander, Maintenance and Logistics Commands (v and t division) shall actively work with
the YARD to schedule and execute cutter availabilities with due regard to competing
requirements for employment standards (days away from home port). Additionally, MLC's
shall consider the YARD as a preferred source for manufactured components, of ship and boat
change installations, casualty support, buoy repair work and for other in-port work to be
accomplished by exportable work teams.
g. Commanding officer, Engineering Logistics Center (ELC) shall continue to use the YARD as a
primary supplier of goods and services in the following areas: Patrol Board engine overhauls,
Cutter & Boat engineering change accomplishment, controllable pitch propeller repairs,
ordnance repairs, and electronics projects. The ELC shall actively view the YARD as the
preferred source for manufacturing of components, repair of marine related equipment, and
supplier or Naval Architect Engineering Services.