MAY 26 1997
designated brokers in staffing short term surges, contingencies, and special workforce
requirements for units within their area of responsibility (AOR).
The AOR for each ISC (pf) includes district, area, MLCs and headquarters units residing
Operational and support unit commanders who anticipate a contingency, operational surge
or short-term need for which assigned personnel are insufficient, shall submit their
requirements to their supporting ISC, and shall provide a copy to their immediate superior
command/ operational commander and the appropriate MLC. Requests should include, at
a minimum, the nature of the surge requirement, number and type of personnel needed,
special skills required, and anticipated duration of the need.
When active duty or inactive duty volunteers are desired and time permits, ISCs (pf) shall
advertise requirements throughout their AOR via the appropriate media (e.g., messages, E-
mail, World Wide Web posting, and ISC newsletters).
In meeting the commander's requirement, the MLC/ISC (pf) organization shall review
personnel sources within their AOR to determine optimal human resource mix (active,
reserve, civilian or Auxiliary) and type of duty to best meet the surge requirement.
Consideration should be given to mission impact, qualifications, costs, and availability.
Reservists and auxiliarists may be used as primary surge response personnel or may
backfill for deployed active duty members or TAD civilians. This equates to identifying
the best qualified people at the most reasonable cost with the least impact on mission
When personnel requirements exceed those which can be satisfied by units within the
AOR, ISCs shall forward the requirements to the appropriate MLC (pf). MLCLANT (pf)
or MLCPAC (pf), in coordination with the Area Commander, shall evaluate the request,
coordinate with all other ISCs in their AOR, solicit/identify commands to meet the
requirement and coordinate the filling of identified needs. Time permitting, the MLC shall
advertise positions via the appropriate media. MLCs will work together to address
shortfalls that exceed either's ability to staff alone. Involuntary recall of reservists shall
require Secretarial approval.