(2) The Reviewing Official and the Intermediate Reviewer (if assigned) shall examine the report
to determine, to his or her satisfaction, that each required item is completed; and no interest
or position disclosed on the report violates or appears to violate any applicable provision of
Chapter 11 of Title 18, United States Code; the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, as
amended; the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch, 5 C.F.R.
Part 2635; or any applicable DHS or Coast Guard directive. By OGE regulation, the review
must be conducted within 60 days of the date the CFDR is filed.
(3) Assistant Ethics Officials (identified in reference (a) as district legal officers, chiefs of legal
divisions in maintenance and logistics commands, legal officers or attorney-advisors
assigned to Headquarters and maintenance and logistics command units, and the Chief,
Office of General Law (G-LGL)) shall provide legal advice to the Reviewing Officials on
matters related to the CFDR system and the resolution of any conflicts of interest identified
during the CFDR review process. The Reviewing Official or the Intermediate Reviewer may
consult with the appropriate Ethics Official to make the determination described in paragraph
8.g.(2) above.
(4) If either the Intermediate Reviewer or the Reviewing Official believes that additional
information is required, he or she shall request the filer to submit such information by a
specified date not to exceed 15 days from the date of the request. This additional information
shall be made a part of the CFDR.
(5) If assigned, the Intermediate Reviewer, after completing his or her review of the report, shall
sign and date the CFDR in the space provided, and shall advise the Reviewing Official of any
potential conflicts of interest, errors, omissions or other discrepancies in the CFDR. The
Intermediate Reviewer need not audit the report to ascertain whether the disclosures are
correct. Disclosures shall be taken at face value as correct unless there is a patent omission
or ambiguity or the Intermediate Reviewer has independent knowledge of matters outside the
report. For Certificates of No New Interest (OGE 450-A), the Intermediate Reviewer shall
simply note the date the form was received. The Intermediate Reviewer shall forward the
CFDR or OGE 450-A to the Reviewing Official within 15 days of his/her receipt of it, unless
otherwise directed by the Reviewing Official.
(6) If the Reviewing Official concludes, on the basis of the information disclosed in the CFDR
and any additional information submitted, that the CFDR meets the requirements discussed
in paragraph 8.g.(2) above, he or she shall certify the report by signature and date. The
Reviewing Official need not audit the report to ascertain whether the disclosures are correct.
Disclosures shall be taken at face value as correct unless there is a patent omission or
ambiguity or the official has independent knowledge of matters outside the report. For
Certificates of No New Interest (OGE 450-A), the Reviewing Official shall merely indicate
the date the form was received (if an Intermediate Reviewer has not already done so).
h. Conflict of Interest Determination. If, after consultation with the appropriate Ethics Official, the
Reviewing Official concludes that information disclosed in the report and any additional
information creates a real or potential conflict of interest, the Reviewing Official shall:
(1) Notify the filer of that conclusion;