obtaining advice or recommendations for the President or one or more agencies or
officers of the Federal Government).
(b) Certain members of the Coast Guard Reserve (Reserve) may be Special Government
Employees, but are not required to file CFDRs based solely on their status in the
Reserves. However, a CFDR must be filed by the Reserve member if his or her Coast
Guard job description would otherwise require the filing of a CFDR based on the criteria
described in paragraph 8.a.(1), (2), or (3).
(5) Source Selection Officials (unless the person is a PFDR filer) or members of Source
Evaluation Boards on major systems acquisitions, as defined by the Major Systems
Acquisition Manual, COMDTINST M4150.2 (series). Source Selection Officials or
members of Source Evaluation Boards who have already completed a CFDR for the year in
question may submit a copy of their most recent CFDR, with any changes noted on the
b. Exclusions from Filing Requirements. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 8.a., a
CFDR is not required if the duties of the position are such that the possibility that the position
holder will be involved in a real or apparent conflict of interest is remote. Additionally, a CFDR
is not required if the position involves a low level of responsibility where there is a substantial
degree of supervision and review over the position, or any potential conflict of interest would
have an inconsequential effect on the integrity of the Government. For example, a CFDR should
generally not be required for personnel who are micro purchasers who make annual purchases
totaling less than the simplified acquisition threshold (currently 0,000 at paragraph 2.101 of
the Federal Acquisition Regulation), provided they perform no other duties that would
independently require filing. Reviewing Officials shall determine whether an exclusion applies
to a particular position.
c. Reviewing Officials.
(1) Assistant Commandants for Directorates, the Judge Advocate General, Area Commanders,
Maintenance and Logistics Commanders, District Commanders, and Commanders of
Headquarters and Maintenance and Logistics Command units having legal officers or
attorney-advisors are Reviewing Officials for CFDRs filed by members of their offices or
(2) Assistant Commandants for Directorates also act as Reviewing Officials for all Headquarters
Units within their cognizance that do not have a legal officer or attorney-advisor. For those
units that do have a legal officer or attorney-advisor, the Assistant Commandant is the
Reviewing Official for the unit Commanding Officer only.
(3) Reviewing Officials may delegate, in writing, their substantive and administrative
responsibilities under this Instruction to an appropriate level subordinate.