responsibilities by emphasizing discussions and joint decisions by personnel and their
supervisors. The IDP actively encourages the individual to think about their current position
to lead to a successful, fulfilling career.
a. Individual Development Plan (IDP): The IDP is a personally tailored action plan that the
supervisor and individual use to identify short and long-term personal and career goals.
It outlines the training and developmental experiences to achieve those goals, for the
benefit of the individual, unit and Coast Guard, within a specified time frame. It may
chart job-specific skills, but also includes more general competencies aimed at supporting
the individual's aspirations in terms of education, promotion or advancement,
professional accreditation and improved career opportunities. An IDP is not a
performance evaluation method, a contract for training, or a means for clarifying or
revising a position description.
b. First-termers: Use of an IDP is mandatory for first-term military members. For enlisted
members, including prior service accessions and those recruited through the Direct Petty
Officer Program, first-term is defined as the first four years of Coast Guard service. For
officers in the ranks of ensign through lieutenant, including those with prior enlisted
service, first-term is defined as the first four years of commissioned Coast Guard service.
a. Directions specific to each component of the workforce are contained in the enlisted IDP
guide and form, Enclosures (1) and (2), and the civilian/officer/Auxiliarist IDP guide and
form, Enclosures (3) and (4).
b. The following steps are required for first-termers and recommended for all other
civilians, military and Auxiliarists :
(1) Initiate the IDP as part of the individual's check-in at the permanent unit and ensure
the supervisor holds the first counseling session within 30 days. The intent of this
requirement is to identify and align both the new member's and the Coast Guard's
expectations for personal and professional development.
(2) Counsel first-term personnel on their IDP a minimum of twice a year. To ensure
clear distinction from the evaluation process, supervisors should conduct IDP
counseling separately, such as at the mid point between mandatory performance
review sessions.
(3) Document IDP counseling in the Training Management Tool (TMT), reference (a),
(except for Auxiliarists). Once entered into TMT, the IDP counseling remains valid
(current) for 180 days; after 180 days, TMT will indicate that the task is overdue until
the next required IDP counseling session is completed and entered into TMT.