MAR 25 1997
(4) annually nominates at least 10 students for the MORE program and at least 10
students or graduates for the OCS program.
CGRIT cadet candidates:
(1) to the extent allowed by law, pay from their monthly salaries (or from other sources
available to them) typical expenses, such as student activities fees, taxes, insurance,
etc. (active duty members automatically have complete health insurance coverage).
They will also establish an allotment to a guardian account to offset their initial
Academy entry fee (approximately ,000);
(2) reside on campus (unless waived by the Director, CGRC) and pay their on-campus
room and board from their quarters and messing allowances, unless CGRC approves
other arrangements; and
(3) declare any non-Coast Guard grants or scholarships they receive and comply with the
Standards of Conduct and other rules which the Commandant, the Superintendent of
the Academy, or the Director, CGRC may publish.
Recruiting offices process appointees for enlistment in the Reserve in paygrade E-2, using
standard procedures as modified by this Instruction.
Commanders of Maintenance and Logistics Commands support CGRIT cadet candidates'
medical needs the same as any other active duty Coast Guard member.
District Commanders include the CGRIT program as they develop district programs and
support Academy programs to recruit a large, well-qualified, career-motivated applicant
pool, as reference (a)'s Article 1-E-5-b prescribes.
The Assistant Commandant for Civil Rights (G-H), Office of Military Personnel (G-
WPM), Office of Leadership and Career Development (G-WTL), General Contracts
Division (G-ACS), Programs Division (G-CPA), the Director, Coast Guard Recruiting
Center (CGRC), and the Director of Admissions, Coast Guard Academy each appoint
members to the Technical Advisory Group (TAG), as enclosure (8) describes.
The Public Affairs staff (G-CP) provides and distributes enough copies of the Coast Guard
Magazine and similar materials for each program participant.
G. G. Piche
Director of personnel Management