Encl. (2) to COMDTINST 5350.20A
(c) Application of Sec. Sec. 17.300 through 17.310. Except as provided in paragraphs
(d) and (e) of this section, Sec. Sec. 17.300 through 17.310 apply to each recipient. A
recipient to which Sec. Sec. 17.300 through 17.310 apply shall not discriminate on the
basis of sex in admission or recruitment in violation of Sec. Sec. 17.300 through 17.310.
(d) Educational institutions. Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section as to
recipients that are educational institutions, Sec. Sec. 17.300 through 17.310 apply only to
institutions of vocational education, professional education, graduate higher education,
and public institutions of undergraduate higher education.
(e) Public institutions of undergraduate higher education. Sections 17.300 through
17.310 do not apply to any public institution of undergraduate higher education that
traditionally and continually from its establishment has had a policy of admitting students
of only one sex.
Sec. 17.225 Educational institutions eligible to submit transition plans.
(a) Application. This section applies to each educational institution to which Sec. Sec.
17.300 through 17.310 apply that:
(1) Admitted students of only one sex as regular students as of June 23, 1972; or
(2) Admitted students of only one sex as regular students as of June 23, 1965, but
thereafter admitted, as regular students, students of the sex not admitted prior to June 23,
(b) Provision for transition plans. An educational institution to which this section
applies shall not discriminate on the basis of sex in admission or recruitment in violation
of Sec. Sec. 17.300 through 17.310.
Sec. 17.230 Transition plans.
(a) Submission of plans. An institution to which Sec. 17.225 applies and that is
composed of more than one administratively separate unit may submit either a single
transition plan applicable to all such units, or a separate transition plan applicable to each
such unit.
(b) Content of plans. In order to be approved by the Secretary of Education, a
transition plan shall:
(1) State the name, address, and Federal Interagency Committee on Education Code of
the educational institution submitting such plan, the administratively separate units to
which the plan is applicable, and the name, address, and telephone number of the person
to whom questions concerning the plan may be addressed. The person who submits the
plan shall be the chief administrator or president of the institution, or another individual
legally authorized to bind the institution to all actions set forth in the plan.
(2) State whether the educational institution or administratively separate unit admits
students of both sexes as regular students and, if so, when it began to do so.
(3) Identify and describe with respect to the educational