Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 5300.1
a. All complaints are date-stamped immediately upon receipt. The administrative
assistant creates a case file for each complaint. All subsequent documents,
correspondence, and investigative materials related to the complaint are placed in
the case file in a chronological and organized manner. The Director or Deputy
Director of G-HE assigns a staff program manager to have primary responsibility
for the processing of the complaint.
(1) DOCR currently maintains an interim system (XTRAK) for tracking all of
the external complaints of the various Operating Administrations (OA).
However, OAs do not have connectivity to this system. Many OAs,
including the Coast Guard, maintain parallel systems to track their own
complaints. Over the past few years, with input from the modal offices of
civil rights, DOCR has been in the process of developing a more advanced
system (XTRAK 2000). DOCR expects to give the modes connectivity to
this system soon, which should eliminate the need for parallel systems.
Currently, the Coast Guard and other modes report complaints to DOCR
who assigns docket numbers and inputs complaint information into the
interim database. If DOCR receives the complaint directly, DOCR assigns a
docket number, inputs complaint information into the interim database, and
then refers the complaint to the appropriate modal office of civil rights. All
initial complaint information, subsequent processing, and ultimate closure
information is reported by the modes to DOCR for entry into XTRAK, and
such information is also entered into G-HE's own tracking system. Once
DOT's new external complaint tracking system is complete and G-HE is
connected, all initial complaint information, subsequent processing, and
ultimate closure information will be entered into XTRAK 2000 by G-HE's
assigned staff member. XTRAK 2000 will include a multitude of complaint
information (complainant/respondent/administrative data, statutes, bases,
issues, dates, and notes), and will have the capability to automatically
generate various reports, letters, and memoranda. When the initial
complaint information is entered into XTRAK 2000, the system will
generate an eight-digit docket number (i.e. 2002-0001) for the complaint.
The docket number is a unique identifier for the complaint, which should be
listed on the case file and all complaint-related correspondence and
(2) G-HE sends a letter to the complainant letting them know that we received