10 DEC 1991
Notification of Potential Cost Growth. The Yard shall provide the customer the
earliest possible notification of and reasons for project growth in terms of cost and
time. If possible, the Yard will take corrective action where predicted costs exceed
the projected estimate. Whether or not it is possible to take corrective action on the
project on which the growth occurred, the Yard will endeavor to identify and
correct root cause of growth so that future projects will not be adversely affected.
Project Cancellation. The customer is responsible for providing written notification
of project cancellation.
Project Close-out. Project close-out procedures commence with notification of job
completion by the Yard. Project close-out will normally be complete within three
months after notification.
BALANCING WORKFORCE TO WORKLOAD. An industrial workforce is not easily
turned on or off in response to surges in workload. To maximize Yard assets and value to the
customer, the Yard is aggressively moving toward balancing its workforce in response to
customer workload. This on-going planning process is the best guarantee that an adequate
number of workers is available when needed and in the correct trade mix (welders, painters,
electricians, etc.) required by the workload. The Yard projects committed workload out five
years and candidate workload for an additional ten years. The basic composition of the
workload is governed by the work categories specified in reference (a). The Yard will work
closely with its customers to identify their near and long term workload needs.
ACTION. Area commanders and chiefs of offices at Headquarters shall ensure compliance
with the policy of this instruction.
CHANGES. Recommendations for improvement to this instruction shall be submitted to
Commandant (G-ENE).
/s/ P. A. BUNCH
Chief, Office of Engineering,
Logistics and Development