b. C4&IT Infrastructure systems are core components of the Enterprise Architecture.
c. CG-6 publishes, to the rest of the enterprise, the requirements for use of the C4&IT
and business systems to use, and interconnect to, the C4&IT Infrastructure.
d. All mission and business systems must recognize and comply with required interfaces, upgrades,
enhancements, and development timelines to C4&IT Infrastructure systems.
e. Mission and business system development will collaborate with C4&IT Infrastructure
development to assess and address impact on C4&IT Infrastructure system requirements
throughout the system development life cycle.
f. C4&IT Infrastructure systems will be developed, maintained, and operated in accordance with
enterprise policy and practice for all C4&IT systems.
Commandant (CG-6) organization works proactively with all entities involved in the system life
cycle. Figure 1: CG-6 Roles and Relationships Framework, as outlined in reference (a), illustrates
the key roles involved and their relationships. The remainder of this section describes the roles,
relationships, and responsibilities as they relate to this policy.
a. CG-6. The Chief Information Officer (CIO). The CIO is responsible for implementing C4&IT
Infrastructure systems throughout the Coast Guard. The CIO shall lead the C4&IT Infrastructure
management program by partnering with all Sponsors and Program Managers to plan, design,
develop, deploy, and maintain C4&IT Infrastructure to maximize shared benefit across all
programs and systems. The CIO shall provide a comprehensive foundation for meeting Coast
Guard-wide mission and business requirements. CG-6 has the following C4&IT Infrastructure
Maintaining and approving the C4&IT Infrastructure policy and practices. To this end,
CG-6 shall establish a C4&IT Infrastructure Policy Review Board, comprising
representatives from various stakeholder groups, to develop and maintain the C4&IT
Infrastructure policy and practices.
Managing funding for C4&IT Infrastructure systems in order to provide maximum shared
benefit to the enterprise.
Ensuring that C4&IT Infrastructure components are developed and managed in accordance
with Federal IT laws and policy, applicable national and international standards,
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) policies and standards, applicable Department of
Defense policy and standards, enterprise policy and practice for all C4&IT systems, and
industry best practices.
Ensuring that C4&IT Infrastructure interfaces are designed to maximize organizational
benefit by minimizing complexity for developers of business and mission systems that
utilize the C4&IT Infrastructure.
Ensuring that C4&IT Infrastructure interface standards are published and updated for use
by developers of business and mission systems.