(1) Proactively communicating, educating, and training the entire C4&IT community to execute
SDLC policies and practices properly and to successfully develop, deploy, and support
C4&IT systems.
(2) Providing the appropriate tools and authority to ensure communication and compliance with
SDLC policies and practices.
c. Asset Manager. The Asset Manager is designated by CG-6 to guide, oversee, and monitor
execution of SDLC for the assigned system. An asset is a system, product (e.g., Commercial-
off-the-Shelf equipment, information, policy), data, service, capability, or resource that is
available, managed, delivered, applied, supported or sustained on an enterprise scale by the CG-6
organization in collaboration with its supporting program Sponsor and manager, customers, and
external stakeholders, SDA, and SSA. The Asset Manager shall collaborate with the Sponsor's
Representative, the SDA, and the SSA to ensure alignment and compliance with the SDLC
policies and practices. Asset Manager responsibilities include:
(1) Ensuring that performance and life cycle management measures are developed, tracked, and
(3) Coordinating, collaborating, and communicating with the Sponsor's Representative, SDA,
SSA, and CG-6 to ensure that funding and resource estimates are realistic and adequate,
have considered all phases of the SDLC, and deliver the requested C4&IT system.
(4) Managing assigned assets throughout the SDLC and coordinating with other CG-6 and
Program Manager offices to ensure that the project or initiative delivers the requested
C4&IT system.
(5) Ensuring that the C4&IT system is fully supported upon deployment (including alignment),
documented, and in compliance with all appropriate C4&IT policies and practices and other
appropriate Coast Guard policies and practices.
(6) Staying familiar with mission and business systems' practices and concepts of operation.
d. Sponsor. The organizational element that validates requirements and accepts capability needed
to support Coast Guard mission or business performance. The Sponsor has the following
(1) Defining, maintaining, and articulating organizational and program goals and validating
requirements developed by the Program Manager.
(2) Acquiring, through planning and programming, the necessary resources to fully implement
and support the needed C4&IT capability, considering total operating costs and the entire
life cycle of the system. This is accomplished by collaborating through the Sponsor's
Representative with the CG-6 Asset Manager.
(3) Coordinating with CG-6 for identification and assignment of an Asset Manager for every
conceptual and existing C4&IT systems
e. Program Manager. The Program Manager is the Sponsor's designated manager, responsible for
providing requirements and end user advocacy. The Program Manager has the following
(1) Defining, maintaining, evaluating, and articulating program and system requirements.