26 FEB 1991
(6) Team Leaders. Initially, there will not be a separate team leader's course. Team
leaders will frequently be senior managers and receive the senior management
training session. (See paragraph 4.c.(2) above.) TQM facilitators should be capable of
providing other team leaders (not senior managers) with the necessary training to
prepare them to lead a team.
(7) Team Members. Local facilitators will provide the necessary training to individuals
identified to be team members on a specific quality action team.
In both cases above, operational commanders should procure additional training/expertise
at their own discretion and with their own funds.
Commandant (G-CPE) is the TQM Coordinator for the Coast Guard. They shall provide a
plan to execute the training strategy.
Initially, there may be instances where more extensively trained and experienced
practitioners will be needed to assist with improvement efforts. There are also those cases
where operational commanders will require more coordinators and facilitators. Unit
commanders may seek additional or follow on training and orientation if necessary to
augment what Headquarters will coordinate. In these cases, unit commanders must ensure
that any supplemental training provides the skills and knowledge listed in enclosure (7).
COMDT (G-CPE) can be contacted for further guidance. Unit commanders will fund any
additional training and ensure that the training is aggressively followed up with
Area and District Commanders, MLC, Commanders Headquarters Office Chiefs, and
commanding officers of Headquarters units shall develop the organizational overlay
structure for their subordinate commands.
Commanding officers of Headquarters units refer to enclosure (2) to identify your
respective Headquarters QMB.