Enclosure (2) to COMDTINST 5224.3
The purchase is appropriately made under an existing contract that the servicing
department/agency entered into, before the requesting agency's order was placed,
in order to meet the requirements of the servicing agency for the same or similar
goods or services;
The servicing department/agency is better qualified to enter into or administer
the contract for such goods or services (or is producing the good or service in-
house) because they possess capabilities or expertise not available within the
Coast Guard, or
The servicing agency is specifically authorized by law or regulation to purchase
the goods and services on behalf of other agencies.
COMDTINST M4200.19F, Coast Guard Acquisition Procedures (CGAP) Guidance.
The authorized Contracting Office must also sign the documentation committing or
proposing the future commitment of funds.