Recommended Practices Guide, defines five roles in the VV&A process. It is important to note that
one person or organization may be responsible for one or more roles in the VV&A process.
Furthermore, this reference contains detailed information on the VV&A process, roles, and
responsibilities and shall be adapted and used by all participants in the VV&A effort.
a. User/Accreditation Authority: The User/Accreditation Authority is the senior manager or
commander that is directly responsible to approve the use of M&S capability for a particular
application or the authority responsible for the decisions supported by the M&S capability. The
User wants to use M&S to solve a problem or make a decision. Th e User defines the
requirements, establishes the criteria by which M&S fitness will be assessed, determines what
assessment method or methods to use, makes the accreditation decision, and ultimately accepts
the results. The Accreditation Authority shall:
(1) Determine the appropriateness of the application of a model or simulation for a particular
use. For those M&S that meet the criteria of paragraph 5.c perform a formal accreditation.
(2) Identify and document the M&S intended use.
(3) Establish Acceptability Criteria for accreditation. The Acceptability Criteria, which are a set
of standards that a particular model, simulation, or simulation federation must meet to be
accredited for a specific purpose, provide guidelines for the V&V effort.
(4) Designate an Accreditation Agent.
(5) Approve the Accreditation Plan.
(6) Make the final accreditation decision of the M&S in writing.
(7) When a M&S is maintained for the same intended use, define and provide to the M&S
Program Manager the modification thresholds that when exceeded shall requires a re
b. M&S Program Manager (M&S PM): The M&S PM is the organization, which has primary
responsibility for the planning and managing of resources for M&S development, directing the
overall M&S effort, and ensuring V&V and configuration management of a particular M&S
capability are conducted. The M&S PM shall:
(1) Designate the Verification and Validation Agent (V&V Agent) and the Developer.
(2) Approve the V&V Plan developed by the V&V Agent.
(3) Update the M&S repository with the Accreditation Decision. Retain the VV&A plans,
VV&A artifacts, VV&A reports, and the Final Accreditation Decision.