(3) Accreditation is an official determination that a model or simulation is acceptable to use for a
specific purpose.
f. Depending upon where in the M&S life-cycle VV&A is initiated, it may also serve a secondary
the life-cycle as possible. The VV&A process is an integral part of the M&S life cycle, which
initiates with requirements definition and includes conceptualization, design, implementation,
application, modification, and maintenance.
a. Every Coast Guard M&S within the scope of this Instruction, whether embedded in operational
systems, stand-alone systems or integrated with other M&S systems for distributed simulation
shall be verified and validated prior to its use. Furthermore, each M&S shall be formally
accredited by the appropriate Accreditation Authority prior to using it for an application that
meets one or more of the criteria in paragraph 5.c below. M&S meeting these criteria shall be
designated as "non-accredited" until the appropriate Accreditation Authority has approved the
M&S for the application. Any subsequent use in a new application domain will require a re
accreditation decision. T he modification of the M&S for use in the same application domain will
require a re-accreditation decision in cases defined by paragraph 7.a.(7).
b. The Coast Guard's VV&A process is very flexible. The Accreditation Authority may tailor the
process (i.e., accredit with limits, when necessary) to meet specific requirements and objectives
while working within existing resource constraints. Additionally, the scope of the VV&A
process should be commensurate with a risk-based assessment of the M&S requirements to
support a decision versus the proposed M&S capabilities and the possible outcomes of that
c. Any Coast Guard M&S which satisfies one or more of criteria listed below shall undergo
accreditation review for approval by the appropriate Accreditation Authority prior to its use.
(1) Any M&S which is used in significantly supporting the development of Coast Guard major
(2) Any M&S whose intended use is a primary input to a decision that could impact safety of
(3) Any M&S whose intended use is a primary input to a decision that could result in the loss of,
or significant damage to, major Coast Guard capabilities.
(4) Any M&S that will be used for budget formulation or resource determination for presentation
or approval external to the Coast Guard, e.g. OMB Exhibit 300 or President's Budget
(5) Any M&S which the Coast Guard will release or otherwise make available to other DHS or
DoD components or contractors, or M&S which will interoperate directly with M&S systems
developed outside the Coast Guard.