6 OCT 1993
The extent of this support is listed in reference (a) and expanded upon by this instruction.
To maximize the efficient use of funds and personnel resources dedicated to SEH activities,
it is necessary that extensive planning be instituted for the conduct and implementation of
all SHE activities. Specific priorities must be established based on trend analyses of mishap
causative factors.
Personnel Exposure. Marine safety personnel encounter numerous occupational
hazards in commercial shipyards, aboard merchant vessels, and at other work sites
that are neither owned nor operated by the Coast Guard. In most circumstances,
protection of the Coast Guard marine inspector from the hazards in these workplaces
is dependent upon the training and personal protective equipment provided to the
member, as well as implementation of safe work practices. In the last few years, the
unique nature of the hazards and hazardous exposures encountered by marine safety
personnel has been recognized. The specific need to identify and quantify these
exposures has also been recognized. Consequently, Commandant has allocated
additional staffing and funding for maintenance and logistic commands, district
offices and field units to strengthen Coast Guard SEH program efforts, and
specifically address marine safety operations on a priority basis.
Support Program Elements.
Primary SEH support for field commands is provided by the respective
maintenance and logistics command. Paragraph 5 below lists additional
support responsibilities.
Reference (a) contains a listing of Coast Guard SHE program elements and
activities required by Commandant to protect all Coast Guard personnel.
Reference (b) contains additional SEH requirements specific to marine safety
operations. Each district is staffed with a Safety and Environmental Health
Officer and selected districts have also been assigned a Safety and
Environmental Health Technician. Functional activities of these personnel in
supporting marine safety operations and district SEH program activities are
specified in enclosure (1) and (2), respectively.
REQUIREMENTS. In coordination with the appropriate MLC(k) each district commander
shall develop a detailed support program implementation plan with specific time frames to
ensure that the requirements of reference (a) are established at all district units.