Encl. (3) to COMDTINST 4610.6
exceed the transportation charges to the repair activity and back to the original B/L
destination location. If replacement is obtained, the record must show the second item
was shipped to replace the damaged item. Normally, this charge will not exceed the cost
of sending the damaged item to and from the repair facility, provided the replacement is
shipped from the facility by the same mode of transportation. This charge is the natural
and likely consequence of the carrier's negligence. Transportation charges to and from
repair activities must be supported by copies of the applicable B/Ls or carrier's freight
bills, as well as a statement showing the repair could not have been made locally at less
cost by a government facility or a commercial firm.
Prevention of Loss of Identity at a Repair Facility. Because of the administrative costs
involved, repair facilities do not normally maintain separate actual repair cost data for
each specific item repaired. They can, however, provide the actual itemized repair cost
data for repair of in-transit damages when the reporting activity properly marks the
damaged property for shipment to the repair facility and shows that separate repair cost
data is needed for freight loss and damage claim action. To prevent loss of identity of
damaged items and their actual repair cost data at the repair facility, the reporting activity
(1) Notify repair facility transportation personnel and request they alert the IM and
maintenance shop or facility of pending shipment of damaged property and the
requirement for separate actual repair cost data for claim action against the carrier.
Make sure the B/L, shipping document, and reparable tag attached to the damaged
property are all annotated to show the office responsible for the TDR, file reference
number, B/L number, and show that the actual repair costs applicable to the specific
item are required to file a freight loss and damage claim against the carrier.
(2) The repair facility or maintenance shop is capable of and responsible for providing the
actual repair cost statement, when the reporting activity places them on notice that
separate actual repair cost data is required.