b. Multiple users can use FED LOG at the same time and it is accessible from any CGSWS
connected by a Local Area Network (LAN) to a server and/or CD tower loaded with the FED
LOG CDs or DVD data. CGSWS that do not have LAN connectivity or only have access to one
CD drive will run FED LOG by switching CDs or running FED LOG across the Internet and
connecting to the FED LOG servers located at Fort Collins. This is not the ideal way to run FED
LOG but may be an option.
c. FED LOG CD/DVD distribution is provided monthly by the Defense Logistics Support Center at
no cost to individual units through annual subscription charges funded by Commandant (G-SLP).
FED LOG is For Official Use Only (FOUO) and should be protected from use by other than
official government sources. The storage of FED LOG CD/DVD shall comply with handling
procedures for FOUO information and discs shall be made inoperable before disposal. Obsolete
CD/DVD should be scored with a sharp object to make them unreadable and shipped in a
package weighing no more than 50-lbs to NE-SAR Systems, 420 Ashwood Road, Darlington,
PA 16115-9325. Do not return CD/DVD to DLSC or CG Headquarters.
5. TRAINING. Although no special FED LOG training is necessary, you can access
6. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. Environmental considerations were examined in the development
of this Instruction and have been determined to be not applicable.
E. M. BROWN /s/
Assistant Commandant for Systems