NOV 19 1999
If, as a result of b. (1), above, standardization is indicated, the HCA's
determination (enclosure 1), required by FAR 6.302-l (b)(4), shall be prepared by
the Cognizant Program Office in conjunction with the Office of Procurement
Management, Commandant (G-CPM). The findings upon which the determination
is based shall be included in the document and shall address the cost-savings-
factors listed in paragraph 3.c, below. The cognizant program office shall provide
all pertinent technical and cost data including cost savings, displayed in
supportable dollar figures. Prior to submitting the D&F for approval, it may be
necessary for the cognizant program office to have it reviewed by Commandant
(G-CPA) for resource impact and validation of assumptions used in estimating
savings. A separate determination shall be written for each specified piece of
equipment as a class determination to be used to support all procurements for the
specified equipment during the effective period of the determination. Procurement
of equipment for which a determination was made prior to this instruction and for
which the effective period has not expired will not require a new determination.
Areas of Consideration for Potential Cost Savings Resulting From Standardization.
Design Costs.
Provisioning Costs.
Training Costs.
Inventory Costs.
Repair Facility Costs.
Administration and Management Support Costs.
Standardization Review Board. The chairman shall convene an Ad Hoc board to
resolve issues of unusual complexity. The Chairman of the Review Board is the Coast
Guard Senior Competition Advocate. The Board will be comprised of one
representative from the Competition Advocate Staff, one representative from
Commandant (G-ACS), one legal representative, Commandant (G-LPL), and one
representative from the cognizant program office. The Board may meet to review
existing standardized items to ensure that the original economic analyses are still valid
and continue the standardization or open it to full and open competition.
Director of Finance and Procurement