Encl. (2) to COMDTINST 4130.6
Configuration documentation is technical in nature. The documentation includes
specifications, drawings, identification numbers, parts listings, operational and maintenance
manuals, and training material. This documentation becomes more precise as the design
progresses toward production and use. The documentation provides the basis for
development, testing, production, delivery, operation and support throughout the life cycle
of the CI.
4. Configuration Control. Configuration control entails the approval or disapproval of proposed
changes to a CI and its associated baselines. "Configuration change" is a general term which
signifies that the configuration of an item has been or will be changed through the configuration
control process. Configuration changes should not be made unless specifically authorized by
the appropriate CCB. Configuration change control should include careful review of all
potential impacts of proposed configuration changes to a CI and its logistics support structures.
Configuration changes will identify the impact of proposed changes to the functional and
physical characteristics of a CI, and the current approved configuration baselines/configuration
documentation of the CI.
Configuration changes to CIs affecting the form, fit or function, or logistics support
structure shall only be made by the chartered CCB.
Prior to implementation of a configuration change, all configuration documentation and
impacted logistics support structures shall be updated to reflect and support design changes.
Related configuration changes should be grouped for implementation to reduce the number
of configurations supported in the field.
5. Configuration Status Accounting (CSA). CSA includes the collecting, documenting, recording,
processing, maintaining and reporting historical and current information necessary to
effectively manage CIs and related configuration documentation throughout the life cycle of a
system. Information in the CSA database should be available and useful to all organizations
involved with the development, support and operation of a platform/system, or CI.
CSA provides traceability of previous and current configuration of CIs and the supporting
configuration documentation.