Encl. (2) to COMDTINST 4130.6
1. Configuration. Configuration is the required technical, functional and physical characteristics
relating to form, fit and function of a CI.
2. Configuration Item (CI). A CI is an aggregation of hardware, software or both; or any of its
discrete portions, which satisfies an end-use function, and is either maintenance worthy,
engineering/logistics critical, and is designated for CM.
End-Use Function. An item has an end-use function if, at a minimum, the item has one
functional use which is essential to accomplishment of the mission.
b Maintenance Worthy. A system, item or structural component is maintenance worthy when
the need exists to preserve a condition of good repair or efficiency.
c. Engineering Critical Item. An item is functionally significant or engineering critical when:
(1) The technical complexity of the item requires an individual specification:
(2) Reliability of the item is critical to the overall function of the platform or system.
(3) Safety, health or security are of concern with respect to the design, manufacturing,
fielding and/or disposal of the item;
(4) Separate testing and evaluation of the item for functional and physical suitability in its
required application is necessary to adequately evaluate a system or higher level item.
d. Logistics Critical Item. An item is logistics critical when:
(1) A unique maintenance plan, including Preventive Maintenance System (PMS), is
required to preserve the item in a condition of good repair or efficiency;
(2) Repair parts will be provisioned for the item;
(3) The item will be reproduced by or reprocured from multiple sources. If there are
numerous suppliers, tighter control of the interfaces between various CIs is required;