Encl. (1) to COMDTINST 4100.7
Engineering Logistics
The logistics system will have a cost accounting and benefit analysis system to support
life cycle cost analysis.
A cost accounting and benefit analysis system will be developed to link all
operational costs for a platform, system, and equipment. This system will enable
the use of life cycle cost information to develop economic decisions that will be
based on minimizing total costs.
The primary measure of effectiveness will be how well engineering logistics supports
the units performing mission requirements. The primary measure of efficiency will be
the utilization of resources.
The logistics system will be capable of measuring logistics performance at all levels.
Measures of logistics performance include responsiveness, cost effectiveness,
The logistics workforce, both military and civilian, will have the job skills and tools
needed to do the job.
Have the job skill implies training and competence beyond classroom instruction,
or previous experience, in the logistics disciplines and in the application of
policies, procedures, and information systems of the USCG logistics system.
Tools needed to do the job implies a commitment to find out what tools are
available, what tools are needed, and to provide those tools to the workforce.
Logistics professionals, both military and civilian, will be developed within
professionally rewarding career patterns.
Professionally rewarding career patterns addresses the need to treat the
management positions for Acquisition, Engineering, Maintenance, and- Supply as
an integrated set with the status of in other career patterns. Logistics
professionals must maintain a balance between specialty expertise, and resource,
and policy management skills. Logistics professionals will be encouraged to
broaden their general Coast Guard professional experience.
The Flag level logistics advocate will be responsible for working closely with the
Office of Personnel and Training to ensure proper career management for
logistics professionals.