Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 4000.5A
1) Focus on the operating unit because this is where Coast Guard missions
are performed.
2) Open communications and collaborative effort to create teamwork within
the logistics system and between logistics and the rest of the Coast
3) Measurement data and feedback to improve processes and products.
4) Information Technology to make fact-based decisions using Information
Management to meet mission essential requirements.
5) Management of beneficial change to maximize benefits and mitigate risk.
6) Flexibility and agility so the Coast Guard can succeed in a rapidly
changing world.
7) Maintain core competencies in financial management, contracting and
procurement, and human resource management, as well as technical
and management proficiency in engineering, maintenance and supply,
transportation so Coast Guard logistics can be successful.
C. There is a constant and consistent plan to achieve the proper resource
balance in regards to the optimal mix, modernization and maintenance
management within and between the Coast Guard's workforce, infrastructure
and information management needs. That is, the operating units of the
Coast Guard have the right mix of capabilities to perform their missions, the
right maintenance programs to sustain these capabilities are in place, and
modernization activities are on-going to ensure improved capabilities to meet
future missions.
Summary. This document reflects how we envision Coast Guard logistics. The
next step is up to each and every one of us. Now that we know where we need
to go, we must all, both independently and together as Team Coast Guard, step
smartly forward to reach our logistics destination.