Description of Principles
Engineering Logistics CONOP
The logistics system will minimize the logistics burden
at units performing operational missions.
Minimize the logistics burden allows the units to
focus on operational missions by off-loading logistics
processes that the logistics system can perform
automatically or more efficiently.
Decision Making
The logistics system will be led by a flag level
The flag level advocate for the logistics system
policy, and be the Commandant's primary advisor for
logistics issues.
Logistics decisions will begin in the Concept
Formulation Phase and continue through Acquisition,
Sustainment and Disposal based on a logistics system that
full integrates all logistics elements.
The Concept Formulation Phase brings operating,
acquisition and support managers (including platform
and equipment/systems managers) in at the beginning of
the life cycle where significant support cost decision
making occurs.
The logistics decision making process will be team
based. Cross-functional teams, including the customers,
will be used to help decide significant issues in logistics
planning, policy, execution, resources, priorities, etc.
The decision making process encompasses logistics
support decision making for life cycle phase transitions
as well as the management and control of change.
Team based decision making is a recognition of the
existence of logistics across all support and
operational programs.
Requirement Based Planning will be used for resource and
level of support decisions.
Requirements Based Planning is a method which
generates approved forecasts of support needs based on
mission and customer requirements, priorities, and
continuous evaluation of system performance.
Logistics management decisions at the equipment level
will be based on life cycle support issues.
Equipment level includes selected (USCG and OGA)
HM&E, electronics, and ordnance systems.
Draft - 2/12/93