a. Instructions for application completion will be published in an ALCOAST by
COMDT (G-WP) each fall.
b. Requests for applications may be submitted at any time; however, the application
forms will not be actually distributed to the requestors until October of each year.
Applications are available on-line at, click Scholarship
c. Applications must be submitted only to the CGES Scholarship Committee at the
address shown and postmarked no later than February 28th the application deadline.
d. Upon receipt, the eligibility of each applicant will be reviewed and validated. Incomplete
applications, and those pertaining to individuals determined to be ineligible, will not be
processed. It is the responsibility of each applicant to ensure that all documents are
submitted by their high school, testing agencies, and/or any other organizations.
Applicants will not be notified if their application is not complete.
e. Incomplete applications will not be considered and will not be returned.
f. In addition to the completed application, the following documents should be submitted:
1) The official academic transcript to include the first semester of the senior year.
(Arrangements may be made with the applicant's high school to submit the student's
academic transcript directly to the CGES Scholarship Committee. The transcript
should reflect the applicant's exact or approximate class ranking.)
2) Home schooled applicants should submit the current year-end standardized test
results such as IOWA Basic Skills Test, Stanford Achievement Test, or other such
tests if available, and S.A.T. or A.C.T. scores if taken.
3) S.A.T. or A.C.T. scores. The applicant may submit a photocopy of these scores or
opt to have the testing agency forward the results directly to the CGES Scholarship
Committee (using the address in paragraph 8).
4) A short essay not to exceed one typewritten page, explaining what the applicant
hopes to achieve in his/her college career, including educational, professional, and
personal goals.
5) Two letters of recommendation from teachers, school administrators, and/or
community leaders.