Jul 8, 82
1342.13 (Encl 1)
REFERENCES, continued
Department of State Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians in Foreign
Areas), Sections 031.1 and 277.2
DoD 1400.25-M, "DoD Civilian Personnel Manual," Chapter 592, "Overseas
Allowances and Differentials," November 9, 1981, authorized by DoD Directive
1400.25, "Department of Defense Civilian Personnel Manual System," January 24,
DoD Directive 4000.19, "Interservice, Interdepartmental, and Interagency
support," October 14, 1980
DoD Instruction 7230.7, "User Charges," June 12, 1979
DoD 4500.36-R, "Management, Acquisition, and Use of Motor Vehicles,"July
1981, authorized by DoD Directive 4500.36, "Management, Acquisition, and Use
of Motor Vehicles," July 18, 1979
Title 8, United States code, "Aliens and Nationality"
Public Law 96-70, "Panama Canal Act of 1979," September 27, 1979