Jul 8, 82#
when the sponsors elect to transport these dependents at their own expense to overseas areas in
which the sponsors are stationed (noncommand-sponsored dependents). If at any time during a
DoD sponsor's overseas assignment that sponsor's minor noncommand-sponsored dependents
become command-sponsored or the sponsor acquires minor, commend-sponsored dependents,
those dependents shall be authorized "space-required, tuition-free" status.
b. Students who are dependents of DoD sponsors who die while entitled to
compensation or active duty pay.
c. Noncommand-sponsored DoD dependents who are enrolled in a DoD dependents
school may remain on a DoD dependents school if their sponsor is declared missing in action or
otherwise unlawfully detained for as long as the detention or mission status exists, subject to the
approval of the Director, DoDDS, or designee.
4. Space-Available, Tuition-Paying (Nonfederally Connected)
Under Section 14049(c) of the "Defense Dependents' Education Act of 1978" (reference
(c)), the following minor dependents may be enrolled in a DoD dependents school upon payment of
tuition of the Director, DoDDS, or designee, determines that space is available:
a. Dependents of U.S. citizens residing in overseas areas, including dependents of
retired personnel, or of deceased personnel not covered in paragraph E.3.b., above.
b. Dependents of foreign nationals, when there is no objection from the host nation and
when such inclusion does not displace or prevent inclusion of U.S. citizen-sponsored minor
dependents seeking admission on the same basis at the same time.
5. Education in the Republic of Panama
Eligibility requirements for education in the Republic of Panama are prescribed in
enclosure 3.
1. The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower, Installations, and Logistics) shall
monitor compliance with this directive.
2. The Heads of DoD Components shall comply with this directive.
#First Amendment (Ch 1, 12/19/84)