Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 1750.7C
25. Perpetrator. The person directly or indirectly responsible for the resulting abuse and/or neglect
which occurs to an individual. Any person whose act, or failure to act, impaired the health or well-
being of the victim.
26. Prevention. Any action designed to reduce or eliminate the incidence and prevalence of spouse,
sibling, parental abuse and child and elder abuse and neglect.
27. Qualified Provider. A qualified provider must:
a. Education and License. Hold a Masters/Doctorate Degree in a behavioral science and be
licensed to practice by the State of residence or in accordance with DOD/VA regulations.
b. Training and Experience. Be thoroughly trained and experienced in assessing family violence
and adhere to a cognitive/behavioral approach that confronts the perpetrator's belief system.
c. Assessment. Agree to undertake the assessment with the safety of the alleged victim as a
priority concern and, with the assistance of the FAS, attempt to interview the victim ahead of the
alleged perpetrator.
28. Sibling Abuse. Physical and/or sexual abuse occurring between siblings. Sexual acts between
siblings when the aggressor is significantly older that the victim is considered sexual abuse.
29. Spouse. A partner in a marriage or cohabitating relationship. A spouse under 18 years of age shall
be treated in this category.
30. Spouse Abuse. See the definition of Domestic Violence in this enclosure.
31. Suspicion. To surmise abuse and/or neglect is probable based on identified patterns of injuries,
tense relationships, frequent arguments, isolation, and power and control indicators.
32. Victim. An individual, including the active duty member, who is the subject of abuse and/or
neglect, or whose welfare is harmed or threatened by acts of omission or commission by another
individual. When a child is the victim, the non-abusive parent and siblings are considered to be