Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 1750.7C
c. Emotional Abuse. The actions and/or inactions of the caretaker result in mental pain, anguish
and/or distress. This can include isolation, degradation and intentional berating.
d. Sexual Abuse. Non-consensual sexual contact of any kind.
e. Exploitation. Illegally acquiring, misusing or concealing funds, property or assets.
f. Abandonment. Desertion of an elderly person, who cannot perform self care, by a caretaker
responsible for the care and custody of that elderly person.
15. Extra familial. Term used to describe a child abuse/neglect case in which the perpetrators
relationship to the child victim is outside of the family. This category ranges from known
individuals who are unrelated to the victim to individuals unknown to the victim.
16. Family Advocacy Case Review Committee. A multidisciplinary team coordinated by the FAS. The
FACRC is advisory only to the FAS and has no authority to make a case status determination. The
FACRC is convened at the discretion of the FAS.
17. Family Advocacy Central Registry (FACRC). A centralized tracking system maintained by the
FAPM. Only cases that have been substantiated are entered into the Central Registry. Closed
records are retained for 5 years from case closure or date of last action. At the end of 5 years the
record will be destroyed, except for information concerning certain minor Coast Guard dependents
who were victims or suspected victims of child abuse, neglect or sexual abuse. Such records will be
retained until the dependent attains majority. This Registry can only be accessed by the CGFAPM
and the Special Needs Program Manager.
18. Family Advocacy Specialist (FAS). A civilian Human Services professional with specific training
in all forms of family violence, suicide, rape, sexual assault and high risk special needs situations.
FASs are located at HSC, each ISC, San Juan, Cape May and Staten Island. Their primary job
responsibility is to intervene in and prevent family violence through the case management system.
19. Family Violence. Physical abuse/neglect, sexual abuse, psychological/emotional abuse/neglect
occurring within the family. Victimization takes the following forms: Child abuse and neglect,
spouse abuse, sibling abuse, parent abuse, and elder abuse. Included under child/elder abuse and
neglect is abuse and neglect of a child or an elderly person by any person who is responsible for
their care and custody.
20. Fatality. The victim died as the result of the abuse, maltreatment and/or neglect.
21. Incident. An occurrence that may include one or more types of abuse and neglect. Involves one
victim and one occurrence. CG-5488 is completed on each incident.
22. Inquiry. An inquiry is defined as a collection of all available facts through interviews, collaboration
with internal and external professionals/agencies and assessments by qualified service providers.
Inquiries are conducted by FASs under the technical supervision of the FAPM.
23. Interfamilial. Term used to describe a child abuse/neglect case in which the perpetrator is related to
the victim by blood or marriage.
24. Parent Abuse. Abuse of a parent by a child under the age of majority.