(7) Document the failure of a member to cooperate with the case management plan and/or when
abuse recurs and consider appropriate administrative or disciplinary action in accordance with
reference (f).
(8) Maintain no family advocacy correspondence and/or case information at the unit level and/or
in the member's personnel record. All family advocacy related correspondence and
information shall be forwarded to the respective ISC FAS.
(9) Attend family advocacy and special needs training as provided by the respective ISC FAS
once within their tour of duty.
(10) Ensure that their Executive Officer, Deputy Sector Commander, Deputy Group Commander
and Logistics Officer attend CGFAP training once within their tour of duty.
h. Coast Guard Child Development Center Directors, Family Child Care Home Providers, and
Family Resource Specialists shall:
(1) Immediately report all allegations, suspicions and substantiated incidents of child abuse and
neglect by a CGCDC staff member in writing to CPS, the respective ISC FAS, the local
command and the Commandant (CG-1112) Dependent Care Program Manager.
(2) Immediately report all allegations, suspicions and substantiated incidents of family violence
to the involved member's command and the respective ISC FAS.
(3) Schedule and attend annual family violence training with the respective ISC FAS.
i. Ombudsman shall:
(1) Immediately report all allegations, suspicions and substantiated incidents of family violence,
along with any pertinent information, to the unit commanding officer or officer in charge and
the respective ISC FAS.
(2) Schedule and attend/participate in annual family violence training with the respective ISC
8. DEFINITIONS. Terms used in this Instruction are defined in enclosure (1).
considerations were examined in the development of this Instruction and have been determined to be
not applicable.
10. REPORTS AND FORMS REQUIRED. Family Advocacy Report, DHS, USCG, CG-5488
(03-05) (RCN-1750-1) replaces Child/Spouse Incident Report, DOT, USCG, CG-5488 (11-88)