c. Voluntary services from host-nation or third country citizens may be accepted if the responsible
CO/OINC determines that acceptance of such voluntary services will not subject the Coast
Guard to potential liability for unacceptable expenses. This includes payment of employment
benefits for a volunteer because of host-nation labor and voluntary service laws, United
States/host nation treaties, or Status of Forces Agreement or other agreements. COs/OINCs
should seek legal counsel for a review of the provision of voluntary services from host-nation
and third-country citizens at overseas locations prior to appointment in the Ombudsman
program. For example, the spouse of an active duty member holding host nation or third country
8. EXCLUSIONS. In accordance with reference (a), Ombudsmen may not:
a. Hold policy making positions, supervise paid employees or military personnel, or perform
inherently governmental functions, such as determining entitlements to benefits, authorizing
expenditures, or deciding rights and responsibilities of any party under Coast Guard
b. Be used to displace paid employees or in lieu of filling authorized paid personnel positions;
c. Be accepted in exchange for any personnel action affecting any paid federal employee or any
military members; or,
d. Perform case management or counseling services, even if professionally trained in these areas.
a. Area and District Commanders, commanders of maintenance and logistic commands and
Superintendent of the Coast Guard Academy shall:
(1) Implement policy and procedures described in this Instruction
(2) Ensure appropriate support by providing funding and other resources necessary for the
coordination and implementation of annual training throughout the district for appointed
command Ombudsman and program management training for commanding officers
(3) Ensure immediate reporting of all allegations and substantiated child/spouse abuse/neglect
incidents to the servicing family advocacy specialist in accordance to Reference (c);
(4) Ensure CO/ONIC coordinate program implementation and other support efforts with the
program coordinator
(5) Ensure invitational travel orders presented are provided with the approval of the Ombudsman
Program Coordinator that the Ombudsman has been officially appointed to the program and
that requirements for invitational travel orders (See reference (e)). Volunteers not officially
appointed are not authorized the benefit of invitational travel or any other reimbursement
benefit under the Ombudsman program. Ombudsmen shall not be placed on invitational
travel without the presentation of an appointment letter.