22 JUL 1992
Failure to meet the licensing and other regulatory requirements prescribed by
paragraph 4.
Commission of any of the solicitation practices prohibited by paragraph 5.c.
Substantiated complaints or adverse reports regarding either their quality of goods,
services or commodities, the manner in which they are offered for sale, or the
method and terms of financing.
Knowing and willful violations of the consumer credit protection laws in 15
U.S.C. 1601-1693(r).
Personal misconduct by a company's agents or representatives while on the
military unit.
The possession of or any attempts to obtain allotment forms.
Distributing or making available for distribution literature other than to the person
being interviewed.
The decision as to whether the denial or revocation action shall be limited to the agent,
or whether it shall also be extended to the company, shall depend on the circumstances
of the particular case. Unit commanding officers shall consider the nature of the
violations, their frequency, the extent to which other agents of the company have
engaged in such practices, and any other matters tending to show the company's
culpability. Upon denying or revoking solicitation privileges, the agent and the
company represented will be promptly notified orally or in writing of the reasons and
duration, after which the individual or the company may reapply for permission to
solicit. The individual and/or the company represented should be afforded the
opportunity to show cause why the denial or revocation should not have been issued. If
the grounds for the action bear significantly on the eligibility of the agent and/or the
company to hold a State license or to meet other regulatory requirements, the
appropriate civil authorities will be notified. If the denial or revocation action should
be extended to additional military units, the unit commanding officer shall make this
recommendation to Commandant (G-PS) after affording the individual and/or company
the opportunity to show cause why it should not be extended.
Insofar as practicable, unit commanding officers shall maintain information and
implement education programs for the purpose of providing Coast Guard personnel with
guidance on the conduct of