Commandant (G-PS-2)
2100 Second Street, S.W.
United States Coast Guard
Washington, DC 20593-0001
(202) 267-2248
22 JUL 1992
Commercial Solicitation Controls at Coast Guard Units
(a) Navy Mutual Aid Association, COMDTINST 5760.4 (series)
PURPOSE. This Instruction sets forth policy and procedures regarding the solicitation, by
commercial activities, of Coast Guard personnel for the transaction of personal business at
Coast Guard units.
DIRECTIVES AFFECTED. Commandant instruction 1740.2F is cancelled.
DISCUSSION. Coast Guard policy is to safeguard and promote the welfare of Coast Guard
personnel as consumers and to preserve the efficiency of Coast Guard units by regulating
personal commercial solicitation. The solicitation and transaction of commercial business
with employees of the Coast Guard while on board Coast Guard units is at the discretion of
the commanding officer. Such solicitations and transactions must conform to applicable
regulations. Unit commanding officers may impose reasonable restrictions on the character
and conduct of commercial activities. Of special concern is the need to assure that Coast
Guard personnel are not subject to fraudulent and unethical business practices, and that
reasonable and consistent standards are applied to each company and its agents in conducting
commercial transactions at the unit.
a. Coast Guard Units Located in Domestic Areas. Unit commanding officers shall ensure that
those seeking to conduct personal commercial transactions on board Coast Guard units in the
United States, its territories, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico comply with the
licensing requirements as well as any other applicable regulatory requirements of the civil
authorities with jurisdiction over the area where the unit is located (Federal, State, county, or