Enclosure (3) to COMDTINST 16796.7
Effective Date
Qualified USPS members are authorized to provide VSCs as of I May 2000. All other
provisions of this agreement arc effective as of the date signed.
The undersigned USCGAUX and USPS officials agree to the premises stated in this MOA
and to the duties and responsibilities of each party as set forth above.
This MOA shall remain in effect until cancelled in writing by either party. In the event that
either party elects to cancel this agreement, 30 days written notice is required.
COMO Everette L. Tucker, Jr.
Arthur H. Farr, N.
National Commodore, USCGAUX
Chief Commander, USPS
Noted on behalf of the United States Coast Guard:
Mark S. Kern
Captain, United States Coast Guard,
Chief Director of the Auxiliary