Enclosure (3) to COMDTINST 16796.7
Work with the USPS to develop and conduct customer surveys to obtain relevant data on the
actual and perceived value of the VSC. Utilize surveys and data collected to identify the
approaches most likely to increase customer awareness of boating safety and safe boating
boating public in the VSCP.
In coordination with the USCG (G-OPB [Office of Boating Safety] and G-OCX [Office of
Auxiliary]) and USPS develop a system of reporting program contributions of the USPS to
In coordination with USCG (G-OPB and G-OCX) and USPS, develop improved Measures of
Effectiveness (MOEs) for the VSCP. Provide O-OPB annual and quarterly reports covering the
relevant data on program achievements and benefits--including the contributions of USPS.
Designate an Auxiliary member to serve as,the Chair of the National VSCP Steering Council
and as Chair of all District/Region VSCP Steering Committees and provide other support staff,
as necessary.
Perform other duties as necessary to ensure the efficient operation of the VSCP.
USPS Duties and Responsibilities
Consistent with its role as an authorized provider of VSCs and participant in the VSCP, the
USPS agrees to the following duties and responsibilities:
Provide a representative to serve on the National VSCP Steering Council Provide
representatives that will serve as a regional point of contact (POC) with all District/Region
VSCP Steering Committees.
Support decisions and recommendations endorsed by the National VSCP Steering Council
and/or VSCP National Director.
Actively market participation in the VSCP to USPS members. Accept full responsibility for all
liability issues that arise from VSCs conducted by members of the USPS. Neither the USCG
nor the USCGAUX are liable for injury, death, properly loss, or lawsuits incurred by USPS
Provide suggestions and ideas to the VSCP National Director and/or National VSCP Steering
Council with respect to the requirements of VSCs, the eligibility of various types of watercraft
for these checks, and the criteria for the award of the VSC decal.