at-sea during the course of an enforcement boarding. Display of a Commercial Fishing
Vessel Safety Examination decal is not intended to preclude boardings for law
enforcement reasons. However, vessels which display decals less than two years old shall
be considered low priority safety boarding targets, unless visible indications of
unsatisfactory conditions dictate otherwise. In the case where a boarding unit has
numerous targets to choose from, all other things being equal, the display of a current
decal should be taken into consideration, and should lessen the probability of boarding. In
addition, vessels which are boarded for LE purposes can expedite the safety aspects of the
boarding process by displaying an examination decal, and presenting the vessel's copy of
the completed dockside examination booklet.
c. (1) The safety equipment examination on a vessel which displays a current decal will
normally consist of no more than a spot check of the following: survival craft (when
required), personal flotation devices/ immersion suits, ring buoys, distress signals, fire
extinguishing equipment, Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB)
(when required), and a walk-through of major spaces to ensure that there are no
obvious "especially hazardous conditions." The walk-through of major spaces is not
intended to broaden the scope of a routine boarding. Efforts should be made to
expedite the safety aspects of the boarding since the decal indicates that the vessel has
already undergone an extensive dockside examination. In addition, while aboard
Subpart C vessels (documented vessels that operate beyond the boundary line or any
vessel operating with more than 16 individuals onboard), the BO shall query
crewmembers as to the frequency and types of drills and instruction taking place
(BO's may check logbook entries although there is no current requirement that the
master maintain a log of such activity), and if conditions warrent, request
crewmembers to demonstrate some knowledge of the contingencies listed in 46 CFR
(1) The safety equipment examination on a vessel, which does not display a current decal,
shall consist of a check for quantity, type, maintenance, and condition of each item
mentioned in the previous paragraph as well as a walk-through of all major spaces.