accommodate a dockside examination in a more appropriate and secure location.
(6) The ability to measure the effectiveness of the Coast Guard's fishing vessel safety
initiative will be
accomplished through specific data capturing on
the MSIS coupled
with an annual district audit/oversight program. This process will allow managers to
better identify both program strengths as well as weaknesses and will enhance the
effort to improve the management of this very important safety program.
Biennial Examinations. Fish Processing and Aleutian Trade Act vessels not subject to
inspection must undergo examination once every two years (biennially) by the American
Bureau of Shipping (ABS) or other approved third party organization.
(1) In accordance with reference (c), examinations are to be performed by the ABS, a
"similarly qualified organization," or a surveyor of an "accepted organization." The
intervals between examinations shall not exceed two years.
(2) A fish processing vessel found to be in compliance will be issued a certification of
compliance. The certification of compliance issued to a fish processing vessel must
be retained on board the vessel until superseded in accordance with regulations.
(3) A fish processing vessel, which is issued a certification of compliance, and also
found, through a voluntary dockside examination, to be in compliance with all Federal
Regulations (to include Title 33) will be issued a serialized examination decal. The
decal will be displayed by the vessel on, or adjacent to, a starboard side forward
pilothouse window.
(4) The decals will be produced and distributed by Commandant (G-MCO) directly to the
headmasters of each third party organization.
(5) A copy of the certification of compliance and serial number of the decal, if issued,
shall be forwarded by the organization to the appropriate Coast Guard district
commander (Attn: Fishing Vessel Safety Coordinator) for entry into MSIS.
At-Sea Boarding. Fishing vessel safety boardings are normally conducted in conjunction
with Search and Rescue (SAR) and Law Enforcement (LE). No planned patrols/sorties
should be done for the sole purpose of safety equipment enforcement. Decals will not be