diameter of the weight bearing wheels and note in the aid log. This can be
used to predict when wheels will have to be replaced as interference
between the turntable and base as well as meshing problems with the
drive mechanism will occur as the wheels wear down. Consult with your
CEU when you determine replacement of the chariot wheels are
Figure 3-4. Evidence of Metal Shavings.
D. Electrical. Servicing procedures for the CG4P and CG2P lampchangers are
discussed in the Alternating Current Aids to Navigation Servicing Guide,
COMDTINST M16500.17 (series)
E. Servicing. Servicing nonrotating classical lenses will be dictated by the rated
lamp life. Semiannual servicing of these lights is required if the lamps are
fixed-on and continuously operated (no daylight control). Flashed lights may
go longer depending on the duty cycle of the flash rhythm, however it may be
prudent to check the condition of the lighthouse on a regular basis. Rotating
classical lenses require quarterly servicing, more often if experience shows
that lubrication of the rotation mechanism warrants it.