Enclosure (6) TO COMDTINST 16478.12
ROUTINE MONITORING: Unless directed by the SSO or otherwise
indicated, routine monitoring for Mercury or other contaminants will
not be conducted. If required, protocols for the routine monitoring
will be included as an appendix to this plan.
SAFE WORK PRACTICES: The following safe work practices shall be
adhered to while on site. During pre shift briefings, information on
the location of hazards and methods of control are to be discussed.
F.6.a. HEAT STRESS. Site safety personnel shall generally be guided
by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists (ACGIH) guidelines in determining work/rest periods.
Fluids shall be available at all times and encouraged during
rest periods. Heat stress guidelines are attached as
Attachment (5).
F.6.b. COLD STRESS. Personnel shall be provided with adequate warm
clothing to prevent cold stress. Site safety personnel shall
generally be guided by the American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) guidelines in determining
rest/warm-up periods. Warming shelters shall be provided for
rest periods. Warm and/or sweet fluids (such as soups, cocoa,
cider, or sweetened -- low caffeine -- hot teas) shall also be
available during rest periods. Drinking coffee is not
encouraged. Exposure suits shall be worn by personnel working
and or traveling in small boats or aircraft over water. Cold
stress guidelines on are attached as Attachment (6).
F.6.c. ACCESS. Access to the work area shall be limited in accordance
with access control requirements described above.
F.6.d. LIGHTING. Sufficient illumination shall be provided at a
minimum to meet the requirements of TABLE H-120.1 (Minimum
Illumination Intersities) of 29 CFR 1910.120(m). (Note: This
paragraph does not apply to underwater work sites)
HARD HATS. Hard hats are to be worn throughout the work area
wherever overhead hazards exists. Personnel shall not be
allowed under drum or container lifts. All hard hats shall
meet American National Standards Institute safety guidelines.