Enclosure (6) TO COMDTINST 16478.12
C.1.c. The dive platform will moor as close to the center of the site
as reasonable and safe. If safe to do so, one point of the moor
may be an Aid to Navigation piling. To the extent
circumstances permit the platform shall be moored such that
motion of the platform due to the effects of waves, seas,
current, winds and other conditions is at a minimum.
C.1.d. Prior to commencing diving, the Site Coordinator shall
determine the number of recovered batteries that can safely be
transported on the platform.
C.1.e. The divers will enter the water and search the bottom out to a
radius of at least 50 feet around the center of the site. When
a battery or batteries are located the divers will inform the
topside supervisor of the battery location, type and condition.
The divers shall move each battery to the underwater collection
point (normally the base of AtoN). Where a large concentration
of batteries is found at a location within the site, the
topside supervisor may elect to have the divers move those
batteries after they complete the search/mapping of the entire
C.1.f. Only batteries that are on the surface or partially uncovered
shall be recovered. Any batteries that are entirely below the
surface of the bottom, so that the divers must dig to touch
them shall not be moved or uncovered since doing so may release
a buried battery is present they shall report it to the topside
supervisor who shall insure that it is plotted on the site map
as a possible buried battery.
C.1.g. At the conclusion of the search/mapping phase of the dive
operation, when batteries are found, the topside supervisor
shall decide whether or not to proceed to the recovery phase of
the operation. At a minimum, factors to be considered in this
decision are a) the number of batteries that can be safely
transported by the platform (see C.1.d. above), b) the time
required to complete the recovery operation with due regard
given to remaining daylight and diving air supply and, c)
specific guidance given by the Site