Encl. (1) to COMDTINST TO 16200.3A
Table 1-D (cont'd)
Recommended Penalty levels
Nature of Specification
33 CFR 127.321
Release of LNG: Failure to
take required actions upon
the release of LNG.
33 CFR 127.613: 127.617
Fire Protection: Smoking or
fires in the presence of
LNG: Welding or hot work
without COTP approval.
33 CFR 130.3(1)
Certificate of Financial
Responsibility: Failure of
any vessel or vessel
operator in any port or
navigable waters of the
U.S. to have the required
COFR for carriage of oil or
hazardous substances.
33 CFR 151:
Vessels Carrying Oil, NLS, Garbage, and Municipal and Commercial Waste
33 CFR 151
General: Except as noted
below, any violation of the
regulations in this part.
33 CFR 151.10
Control of discharge of
oil: Discharge of oil or
oily mixtures into the sea
prohibited when more than
12 nautical miles except
when conditions satisfied.