Encl. (1) to COMDTINST 16200.3A
Table 1-C (cont'd)
Category A: Unintentional and small volume oil spill or low
threat/small volume hazardous substance release involving
noncommercial source, such as recreational boat, private residence, or
public service institution; no significant or extensive impact;
unexpected or nonpreventable circumstances; no indication of negligence
or failure to take reasonable precautions; absence of significant
degree of gravity and culpability; no similar violations in the last
12 months.
Category B: Small volume oil spill or low threat/small volume
hazardous substance release from commercial or governmental source
(except for U.S. owned and operated vessels in non-commercial service);
no prior violations of a similar/related nature in the last 12 months;
no significant or extensive impact; no negligence, failure to perform,
or lapse of professional standards; low expectability or preventability;
no significant degree of gravity or culpability.
Category C: Discharge from any source where issues of gravity or
culpability are important, for example: the volume or location of the
spill; the relative hazard posed by the substance spilled; evidence of
negligence, inattention, failure to perform, or a lapse of professional
standards; prior violations of a similar/related nature in the last 12
months; evidence of a failure to reasonably anticipate the cause, or to