Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 16114.20
Utility Boats, Light
Current Force
Interim Force
Future Force
Overview: The transitional UTL boat designation will represent most of the remaining shore-
based response boats. Although the standardized RB-S will fill the Coast Guard's lower
capability need, our current inventory of smaller to medium sized response resources vary
considerably in manufacturer and size between 17 and 36 feet. With consideration to this
diverse boat inventory, as we transition to the RB-M and RB-S, our current four boat type
designations (RIBB, RIBM, UTL, and RIBL) will be generalized into one boat type with two
Phase 1 (Current Force to Interim Force):
RIBB boat allowances at stations (small) where the boat filling the allowance is the unit's
primary response boat will be converted to UTMs. Remaining RIBBs will be
downgraded to UTLs, and funded at the higher UTL (Full) or SPC (LE) funding level.
All RIBM boat allowances will be converted to UTLs. The budget model funding level
will be based on the size of the boat currently filling the UTL allowance.
Most RIBL boat allowances will be converted to UTLs except where the boat currently
filling the allowance is actually an inflatable punt. UTL converted RIBL allowances will
be funded at the lower UTL (Base) funding level. Those RIBL allowances downgraded to
SKFs will be supported at the SKF funding level.
Those boats currently filling UTL boat allowances that are actually inflatable or hard-
sided punts will also be redesignated as SKF, and funded at that level.
Funding level adjustments will take effect in the FY02 Operations Budget Model. The
two UTL SSLs will be identified in the budget model as UTL (Base) and UTL (Full)
funding levels. Initial funding levels will be set based upon previously provided district
input and available budget model funding.
UTL (Base) - Boats 24' 11" and smaller will receive maintenance and operating
funding comparable to the FY01 UTL SSL.
UTL (Full) - Boats 25' and larger will receive a higher SSL recognizing the generally
more complex and costly systems associated with larger boats.