addressed. This forum may be an HSC that is willing to expand its role to consider a wide range
of MTS issues, it may be a separate committee that covers all MTS issues not addressed by the
existing HSC, or it may be an overarching body that coordinates MTS issues for several local
committees that together make a complete local MTS coordination system.
a. Prioritization of Local Efforts. Within the ICMTS the first order of business was to develop an
Implementation Plan, which is a baseline document of actions underway or planned by the
member agencies that correspond with the strategic areas of action in the MTS Report. The
ICMTS is developing an MTS Strategic Plan that will incorporate the Implementation Plan and
help to prioritize MTS efforts and set long, mid and near term goals at the national level.
However, at present one of the highest priorities of the ICMTS and MTSNAC and at least one
Regional MTS Committee is raising awareness of the MTS through outreach. The priority for
local MTS efforts should reflect this, but should also seek to strengthen the network of local
MTS committees such as HSCs through partnerships. Once the local MTS committees or HSCs
have been assessed as called for by reference (b), local efforts can focus on addressing the
recommendations found in reference (a). Reference (a) recommends a systematic approach
through the use of risk assessments to identify and address safety and environmental protection
issues. Risk assessments, such as port vulnerability assessments, are also proposed for security
related issues. Finally, Area and District (m) and (o) offices should coordinate MTS efforts
across program lines to ensure a "systems" approach that considers all Coast Guard waterways
management responsibilities. Therefore, it is recommended that near term local efforts focus on
the following three priorities, which will be explained in more detail in the remainder of the
"Discussion" section.
(1) Partner with local stakeholders to ensure an effective local MTS coordination network
(a) Use reference (b) to assess existing HSCs or other local MTS committees
(b) Identify or establish a committee or committees able to address all local MTS issues
(c) Use systematic approach through risk assessments to identify safety, security,
environmental, and other port or waterway issues
(2) Develop a local MTS Awareness and Outreach Plan
(3) Coordinate MTS and Waterways Management efforts across program boundaries