Encl (2) to COMDTINST 16010.8
Goal P5: Effectively enforce federal regulations that provide stewardship
of living marine resources and their environments.
Target: Conduct enforcement operations necessary to support the National
Marine Fisheries Service goal of increasing the number of listed fish
species (endangered or threatened) that improve in status to 15 from a
FY97 baseline of 12.
Analysis and Evaluation
This is a new goal with limited historical data. The number of fish species improving
in status indicates an improvement of the overall health of fisheries. Improvement
depend on NMFS to develop the correct regulations, and the Coast Guard to adequately
enforce them.
Coastal Patrol Boat Follow-on (OE); Coastal Patrol Boat Replacement (AC&I); Long Range
Search Aircraft Capability (AC&I); HU-25 Aircraft Avionics Improvements (AC&I); HC- 130
Side Looking Airborne Radar (AC&I): Replaces vessels and sensors with newer equipment
that will improve our readiness to efficiently monitor fishing fleets and deter and
prosecute violations.
Deepwater Capability Replacement Analysis (AC&I): Develop an system of surface, air,
command and control, intelligence, and logistics systems to carry out statutory mandates
for fisheries enforcement in the deepwater area of responsibility. Deepwater assets are
essential to enforcing fisheries regulations on the high seas, and at the outer reaches
of the Exclusive Economic Zone to ensure the increasing worldwide demand for fish
products does not deplete our fisheries stocks.
Comprehensive Law Enforcement (RDT&E) Develops sensor technology that more effectively
detects vessels. This is useful for locating vessels violating closed-area regulations.
Protection of Natural Resources 25