Encl (2) to COMDTINST 16010.8
Goal P2:
Eliminate plastics and garbage discharged into the water from maritime
Target: Reduce the rate of plastics and garbage discharged into the water
from maritime sources from the FY98 statistical baseline of 53 items per
mile of shoreline surveyed to 48.
Analysis and Evaluation
Marine debris amounts have been declining for the past several years. In particular,
dramatic reductions in the amount of galley waste and commercial fishing waste have been
observed since 1988, with smaller reductions in vessel operational waste and
recreational boating waste. The National Marine Fisheries Service conducted a recent
study in Alaska that showed marine debris from vessel sources is declining. The Center
for Marine Conservation has noted that the drop in marine debris is an indication that
mariners are observing MARPOL regulations regarding the dumping of plastics.
The Coast Guard will continue enforcement of MARPOL regulations, and education of
mariners as to the damage that occurs form marine debris.
Protection of Natural Resources 21