Encl (2) to COMDTINST 16010.8
Goal S5:
Eliminate recreational boating fatalities.
Target: Reduce recreational boating fatalities from the FY97 baseline of
819 fatalities to 720 fatalities or less.
Analysis and Evaluation
Recreational boating fatalities have been decreasing over the long term, however
fatalities have not yet been consistently reduced below our target of 720. Increased
personal floatation device use has contributed to the long-term reduction: drownings
have dropped from 1,604 in 1973 to 586 in 1997. Of those 586, 521 were not wearing life
vests. Further increases in personal floatation device use should continue to drive
fatalities downward below 720. The Coast Guard is conducting an evaluation of the
relationship between PFD usage rates and changes in wearability as the result of design
improvements. This will assist in further design improvements to boost usage.
Prevention efforts and an active Coast Guard Auxiliary education program will assist in
reducing situations where boaters are at risk. Continued rescue improvement will save
more boaters that do find themselves in trouble.
47-Foot Motor Life Boat Replacement (AC&I): Expands our capability to meet heavy weather
SAR demand in coastal zone.
Coastal Patrol Boat Replacement (AC&I); Coastal Patrol Boat Follow-on (OE): Replaces the
aging 82 foot patrol boat and provides for increased operation and maintenance costs
associated with the higher number of operational hours CPBs provide over old 82 foot
patrol boats. This allows the Coast Guard to continue providing effective SAR services
in the coastal zone where most recreational boaters operate.
National Distress System Modernization (AC&I):
Improves the ability of boaters in
distress to notify the Coast Guard - a key factor in saving lives.
Improved Search and Rescue Capability (RDT&E): Seeks to develop new search planning
tools, and improved sensor technologies.
State Recreational Boating Safety Programs (BS): Provides funds for the administration
of the coordinated State Boating Safety Grant Program that seeks to educate boaters and
enforce safety standards.
Safety 15