Encl (2) to COMDTINST 16010.8
Goal S4:
Eliminate passenger vessel casualties with major loss of life.
Target: Reverse the upward trend, and reduce the number of high-risk
passenger vessel casualties from the FY98 statistical baseline of 49
casualties per 1,000 passenger vessels to 47.
Analysis and Evaluation
Because incidents involving major loss of life occur infrequently, a proxy measure "high
risk casualties" is employed. The upward trend in high risk passenger vessel casualties
could indicate a growing risk of a major passenger vessel accident. The Coast Guard is
seeking ways to halt and reverse this trend, mainly by attempting to reduce human error.
Staff VTS New Orleans; VTIS LA/LB Watchstanders (OE): Provides funding to optimally
staff vessel traffic systems that exercise positive control over transiting vessels and
reduce the chances of collisions and groundings - the two predominant types of passenger
vessel casualties.
Seagoing Buoy Tender (WLB) Replacement; Stern Loading Buoy Boat (BUSL) Replacement
(AC&I); Seven Coastal Buoy Tenders/Buoy Tender Infrastructure Support (OE) Provides
assets that establish safe waterway markings and minimize groundings and collisions.
Marine Information for Safety and Law Enforcement (AC&I) Replaces the obsolete and
unsupportable Marine Safety Information System. The new system will provide an improved
capability to track trends and support analysis of safety accidents.
Ports and Waterways Safety Systems (AC&I): Replaces the existing Valdez, Alaska VTS and
performs surveys in three additional ports to ensure that the risk of accidents such as
groundings and collisions are minimized.
Waterways Aids to Navigation Infrastructure (AC&I): Improves aids to navigation in
conjunction with Corps of Engineers projects to reduce accidents.
Marine Safety (RDT&E) Supports research projects on allocating resources based on risk
factors, developing distress call standards, evaluating crew fatigue and human error,
and evaluating the fire resistance of fiberglass compartment divisions.
Support Interagency Ship Structure Committee (RDT&E): Supports research into vessel
design, construction, and operation to improve personnel safety by reducing the risk of
structural failure, and improving structural ability to withstand damage.
Safety 13